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Remember Me, also known as Remember It Up, is the season finale episode of Season 3 in Shake It Up and also the series finale.


"Shake it Up Chicago" hosts a charity fashion show with Rocky, Tinka and CeCe as its star models, however the girls' runway dreams are cut short when a fashion mishap leaves CeCe with amnesia. While Georgia and Flynn try to follow the doctor's orders and give CeCe time to heal, a devastated Rocky tries everything she can to get her best friend to remember her and the special memories they've shared.

Episode Summary

The episode opens at Shake It Up Chicago with CeCe taking food because her mom is working the late shift, which Rocky pointed out, also she is responsible for lunch for Flynn as well as the shopping. Then Gary comes by to tell CeCe to stop stealing food and then tells everyone that Shake It Up Cares is hosting a fashion show for the children's hospital and everyone is gonna be in it. Rocky and CeCe are excited until Tinka tells him that she's picking what she's wearing. Gary says "It's not gonna happen." then Tinka says "Well you talked me into it."

Later at the Jones Apartment Rocky and CeCe are practicing walking on the runway with their dresses while telling each other that they look awesome until CeCe says to Rocky "You know what would look great with these designer dresses? Designer shoes!" which Rocky agrees with and said "I think I'm in love." at the same time. Rocky sees how high CeCe's heels are and ask them why they would give her shoes like those until CeCe said that I'm beg them too then ask her are they amazing while Rocky comment ya they look like a hot pink eiffel tower and said CeCe you can't walk in those which CeCe only said "Rocky, I have never met a pair of shoes I can't walk in." Which she stood up and almost fell until Rocky got her (impossible to walk in shoes meet CeCe made impossible to walk in shoes) while helping her to adjust to them.

At Crusty's Dina calls for Deuce three times until he finally answers and tells that he now responds to his given name Martin Martinez which Dina said "Oh I got that E-blast but it went into my spam folder because I don't know anyone by the name Martin Martinez." Dina then asks "Whats wrong with Deuce? " which he said "The whole Deuce thing was holding me back and I decided to recreate myself." Dina replies "Really? You took a long look at yourself and decided the only thing that needed changing is your name?"

Meanwhile on the day of the fashion show everyone is getting ready. Rocky and CeCe see Tinka's dress which Tinka does not like one bit because it's all white while CeCe was walking for a second when Rocky just said "CeCe are you sure you can walk in those heels?" CeCe to say "Yep absolutely!" which Rocky comments "Are you sure the high altitude isn't clouding your judgment?" leaving CeCe to say "Rocky, I practice all day, I'm fine." Then Tinka insults her and then laugh then Rocky tell them both her dress is uncomfortable which CeCe points out that her dress is on backwards then Rocky went back to fix it. Tinka is still uncomfortable about her dress wishing for it to be colorful until she sees CeCe's lipgloss and decides to add color that way. While the fashion show is going on everyone sees the dresses which everyone likes. Everyone but Tinka blew the audience away with her color changing then Gary then announce that the girls are out for the final number which CeCe struggles a little bit because of the heels while everyone was getting ready for the final poses Rocky was going before CeCe telling her she did with heels and did her final walk until she fell off the runway, either from the heels or not looking at the runway, which both Gary and Rocky heard first before Rocky shouts out CeCe name then her and Tinka run to her side and then Tinka shouts "Model down, model down!"

At the hospital Rocky and the others are waiting to see if CeCe is OK. Meanwhile a nurse told Deuce that he left his lights on only for Dina to think he asked her to page him by Martin Martinez. Rocky then asks the nurse how CeCe is doing only for the nurse to tell she is not family until she told the nurse that she is until Flynn comes to tell her that his mom needs to see her leaving the others a little worried.

Then Rocky is with Georgia who tells her that CeCe is fine and they're getting her a room and she be home in no time much to Rocky's happiness until Georgia is about to let her know something until she was interrupted of the arrival of CeCe in a hospital bed and tells her she happy she's OK and didn't know what she would do without her which CeCe finds very sweet, "Awww that's so sweet. one question: who are you?", but she dosen't know who she is shocking Rocky then the nurse takes her to her room while Georgia explains the situation.

Next scene is back at the Jones's apartment where CeCe looking at mirror saying her name three times then in a different language thinking she italian which she feels is right, while Miss Jones and Flynn watching the whole thing, until Flynn tells her actually you're wrong and you'll get used to hearing that much to Miss Jones annoyance. CeCe tells Flynn she wish she remembered him and ask him to tell anything about them only for Flynn to said thing that weren't true then Georgia gets him to tell her the truth which he does which he says his fine the truth is your an awesome sister and I hope you remember me soon which CeCe finds really sweet and she hope she does to which Georgia also finding it sweet while Flynn leaves. Rocky walks through the fire escape which freaks CeCe out thinking she's breaking into her home then Rocky tries calm her down while trying to help her remember only for to freak her out more until Georgia stops her to talk to her to say that she putting to much pressure on her and that the doctor said that if her memory is gonna come back it has to do it naturally only for Rocky to protest, "What do you mean 'if'? she gotta remember who she is and she has to remember me, leaving Georgia to apologize and say hopefully her memory will totally come back if not in bits and pieces. Although Rocky protests again, thats not good enough why can't we, but Georgia calms her down and says not to push it promoting to bite her tongue whenever she pushing it. Tinka then comes to the scene to give CeCe a hat and insult her only for CeCe to jump off the couch, Wait a minute I remember something it's Tinka Hessenheffer, remembering her but thinks it in the wrong way thinking she's her BFF, Of course how could I forget my BFF?" and hugs her much to both Tinka and Rocky's dismay, Tinka finds it scary that she thinks her that and Rocky gets upset only for Georgia to stop her and bites her tongue.

Meanwhile back at Crusty's Deuce is taking the Martin Martinez thing a little too far. Dina tries to remind him to be who he is based on whats going on with CeCe only for Deuce to space out looking at his new name tag leaving Dina more frustrated with her boyfriend and walks out.

Next scene goes to Shake it Up Chicago where CeCe and Tinka are walking in and talking about BFF stuff until Rocky asks her how she's doing, which confuses bout her, name in likewise, up to the point where she ask Tinka whats her name again which she reminds her and asks how are you doing which Rocky replied "Doing great doing just great and ask TInka for a moment then asks What does she think your doing and ask you know you two aren't besties right which Tinka replied to Oh please do you think I want to be doing this she just only following Miss Jones' directions not to pressure her, in her words not rock the dinging which she preferring to CeCe, then she asks Rocky why she being so petty only for Rocky to say she's not she just freaking out that she might not see the CeCe she came to know, old CeCe doesn't come back. Afraid that the new CeCe won't want anything do with her, new CeCe doesn't want to be her best friend, also that she doesn't know what she gonna to do without her which makes Tinka give in to comfort her, cheer her up and said everything is gonna be OK which Rocky replies Really only for her to said sue why not. Then Tinka goes to see CeCe after talking to Ty who gave her flowers and saying hey bestie look who brought me flower to welcome me back which Tinka can't deny being sweet until CeCe tells her how cute he is and asks her is he her boyfriend only for both him and Rocky to tell her he is not. Ty then comments "well she could do a lot worse, mistaken for another person in her life, then Rocky tells her brother to walk away which she does. Gary come in to hug CeCe happy to see not knowing that it's gonna freak her out and saying "Stranger danger!" (x2) then Rocky tells her to calm down and it's their boss Gary tell her she happy she back because there season finale dance is coming up which makes CeCe nervous about that then Gary asks her if she can handle it only for CeCe to question about being a dancer even thou she know that everyone said she is one. Through Tinka's encouragement along with telling her how much she loves it and to trust her. Rocky tells her "Let's get started practicing for the dance number." But when they were about to pratice the number CeCe stops claiming she got nothing only for Gary to cut her off from the dance which Rocky and Tinka try to help her see what she needs to do in these kind of situation, "OK you just found you're not gonna be in the big final dance OK your wheel is turning your plotting what are you going to do?", only for her to say act graciously also to accept that Gary's the boss and she should do what he said's then walks away with Rocky commenting "Aww man it's worse than we thought."

Next scene Rocky goes by to see CeCe going through the fire escape only to find out that its locked until CeCe lets her in which Rocky ask why's the window lock then CeCe responds well to avoid people coming through it, possibly Rocky herself, but your already so, making Rocky confused and bummed that she still doesn't remember her, then CeCe goes on to the couch with Tinka which makes Rocky upsets to the point she said "Really Tinka is here again?" which CeCe just to say ya we are BFFs then Rocky gets even more upset and tells her stop that, She is not your best friend. Tinka is telling Rocky to calm down, back the boat away from the dining, only for Rocky to say "No I can't take it anymore, had enough lying and I can't stand seeing CeCe confused, she needs to hear the truth! CeCe you may think Tinka is your best friend, which Rocky, but you need to remember: tries to tell CeCe of Tinka true nature, Flashback from Season One and two of Tinka insulting Rocky and CeCe, only for her not to believe her, that's is the real Tinka, and for Tinka to comment Well thanks a lot Rocky, now that she forgotten everything I was planing to reuse some of those zingers which makes CeCe thinks as a joke and laughs then tells Rocky thats why she loves her she funny along with doing her and Rocky signature moving there fingers together leaving Rocky more upset, it's Rocky and CeCe's thing not CeCe and Tinka's thing, which Rocky tells them to just stop it. CeCe, May I just say looking at Tinka asking for her name again Rocky, tells Rocky that she seems a nice enough girl but you're kinda of pushy, overbearing leaving Rocky to not listen to her because she thinks she preferring her, Well you're starting to remember but your not remember me your remembering you, telling her now you're going to remember us, their friendship, telling CeCe that they've been best friends since they were five years old and ever since it's been one adventure after another.

In the Flashback is it mostly the stuff CeCe drags Rocky into from the second season (applying for CFA and not telling her, signing them up to a boot camp instead of dance boot camp, sneaking on set for Taylor Lautner, getting on a game show which they are the girls to do the bad stuff when someone gets a question, people in birds costume feeding them weird, gross stuff and flying while dancing on a wing of an airplane in Texas in the air.

CeCe doesn't get why she's friends with her only for Rocky to ask What does she mean by that until CeCe points out it "Look's like all I do is get you into trouble. it's not exactly BFF material." Rocky tell her she missing the point which makes her think that there making progress, thinking she's getting through to her, "look you get us into a lot of messes but she would't have it any other way. Bottom line you are a great friend" Rocky telling CeCe she's been a better friend to her then she been to her.

Flashback from the moments CeCe's influence helps Rocky get through life, realize there's more out there than being smart, first season CeCe tells Rocky don't be her, Aww come on Rock don't do this again. do what be you talking yourself out of doing something before it even happens and then tell her all there life we dream about being professional dancers now they can see there good enough. Then the rest of the good moments come from the second season, before going into the finals in the dance contest to go to Japan which CeCe tells her Well if it's gonna happen to someone why can't it be us, Rocky tells her if it weren't for her she would't be in Japan right now in the karaoke club and hugging, CeCe tells Rocky to get out there in the world and not live inside because she way too embarrasses from what happen on Good morning Chicago and Rocky telling one of the thing she learnt from being friend with her is life is about finding excitement having adventure which CeCe thought using the advice she gave her brother until Rocky told her it was something she said then they hold hands before the flight on the plane.

Rocky then asks her to give her something, hoping it'll help jog CeCe's memory, but CeCe still doesn't remember her and tells her she's sorry as well, possibility she doesn't believe what Rocky was telling her or being pressured to remember, much to Rocky's shock and sadness then Tinka tells her that she does admire her for trying and reminded her not to pressure her. However Rocky made one final attempt to try to get her best friend back by telling her how much she needs her which makes Rocky breaks down crying thinking she's never gonna see the CeCe she came to know again. Seeing Rocky sad did bring a jolt in CeCe's memory, realizing Rocky was telling her the truth that she meant every words she said, told her and did, with Tinka looking at her feeling sympathy for her. Then Ty, Dina and Deuce come by with some pizza but once they come in they see Rocky crying then CeCe breathes in for a second to tell Rocky to stop crying, using her name then telling her you'll get makeup in your eyes and you'll look like a raccoon then realize how horrible she looks and that will make her cry even more. While Rocky pulls herself together CeCe tells Rocky if she kept crying then Deuce would cry like he always does but Deuce defends himself and saying that he an emotional man then Dina comforts him which makes Tinka give a light smile and CeCe confuse as to what she was saying there. Ty then says wait what did you just said then CeCe repeat what she said using Rocky and Deuce name, Ty and Dina look at each other and realize that CeCe memory is returning and remembers them. Then Deuce tells her that his names is not Deuce anymore it's Martian only for Dina to get annoyed but CeCe testified saying wait No (X3) telling him his name is Deuce also saying your name is Deuce I know you Deuce, happy she remembers him thinking he should be happy he's Deuce not Martian, hugging him then Dina, with the voice after she said her name, then Ty and then telling Tinka she awful making Tinka happy that she remember her true nature then she finally goes to Rocky tell her were best friend which Rocky said we are forever and always as both put then hug then a group hug form the friends. Flynn then comes to the room asking what going on then CeCe tell him your Flynn your my little brother Flynn much to his happiness then CeCe remembers that Flynn owns her money and then ask her to pay but before he get their mother and tells that CeCe remembers everything and asks for money only for her mom she happy her daughter back, CeCe you're CeCe again, then everyone goes for a group hug then CeCe tell she loves everyone then she tell them she can do this all day but she's tells Rocky they need to find a way to get her back in that dance final which makes Rocky happy, Yay shes back, only for everyone to start laughing.

Final scene goes to the dance number, CeCe found a way to get back into the final or tells Gary she has her memory back and show him she remembers the number which CeCe, Rocky, Tinka and Ty are in.

Credits show moments from season one up to season three from all cast members, excluding Kenton Duty, on how much they've grown from doing the show.



Main Cast


Memorable Quotes

Tinka: Oh, please! White and white?! I've seen rice with more style!
Rocky: Tinka, come on, the fashion show is about to start.
CeCe: Aw, that's so sweet! Just one question: Who are you?
Ty and Rocky: No no no no no no no no no NO!!
Gary Wilde: Do I have the right cards?
Rocky Blue: You are my best friend in the whole world, please come back to me I need you!
Rocky Blue: What! She's not your best friend!
Tinka: Model Down, Model Down!
CeCe: And you're Rocky.

Rocky: I am.
CeCe And we're best friends.
Rocky: We are.
CeCe: Forever?

Rocky: And always.


The image gallery for Remember Me may be viewed here


  • This is the last episode of Shake It Up season 3, and such the last episode of the series. This is due to the show being cancelled, much to the dissappointment of both cast and viewers, who were both unknown that this episode would be the last. The same case of ending a series happened in some shows such as Phineas and Ferb, Fish Hooks and Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures.
  • Adam said in an interview that the last episode was to remind everyone of everything the characters have been through. He said it was also to show how much they've grown and that filming the episode was very nostalgic.
  • Kenton Duty did not appear in one of the episodes as Gunther Hessenheffer as he said to BOP and Tiger Magazine that he would before the Season 3 even aired and the only time we hear about Gunther is by Tinka's mentions in Fire It Up and the quick mention by Deuce in Spirit It Up. He was even cropped out of the flashbacks in order to put the emphasis on Tinka's horribleness towards Rocky and CeCe .
  • This episode is the first time Rocky uses her catchphrase "Hey, hey, hey." since its absence in "Shake It Up: Made In Japan".
  • The episode was originally called "Remember It Up" but was changed for unknown reasons. However it is kept as an alternative name.
  • This is the third episode not to end in "It Up" (first was Shake It Up, Up & Away, second was Shake It Up: Made in Japan).
  • This is the only episode that doesn't end in "It Up" that is not longer than 30 minutes.
  • This episode got approximately 3.4 million viewers on its premiere night.
  • In the UK, this episode was called "Remember It Up".

Clips and Promos


Shake it Up 3x26 Promo "Remember Me" (Series Finale) HD

Official Promo


Shake it Up 3x26 Clip "Remember Me" (Series Finale) HD-0

Short Clip


Remember Me - Shake It Up - Disney Channel Official-0

Remember Me - Disney Channel Official


Shake it Up - Remember Me HD - Family CA

Shake it Up - Remember Me [HD] - Family/CA


Remember Me - Clip - Shake It Up - Disney Channel Official

Official Clip


HD ( Shake It Up "Remember Me" - Zendaya

Dance to Remember Me- Zendaya


Shake it Up - Remember Me (Sneak Peek 2) HD

Sneak Peek


Shake It Up Series Finale CLIP & Details!

Shake It Up Series Finale CLIP & Details!


  3. =
Haunt It Up
Season 3 episodes
